Trees Woodland 1 Geneve Brand
Forestry + Woodlands
Restoring Hardknott Forest

Restoring Hardknott Forest

Hardknott Forest
Tree planting Leeds Uni restoring Hardknott_AllUsage


Various dates throughout 2025


Want to get involved with our project and help with practical ecological restoration? Volunteer days are open to all and are a great opportunity to socialise and to learn about forest restoration, as well as contribute to creating more native woodland in Cumbria. Tasks include removing non-native trees, planting native trees, collecting and propagating seeds, and the protection and maintenance of native trees.

Leeds Hardknott

Restoring Hardknott Forest

Want to get involved with our project and help with practical ecological restoration?

At a glance

  • Volunteers help with practical ecological restoration, monitoring and research. Local residents, children from local schools, volunteers from the University of Leeds, and the John Muir Trust have contributed thousands of days of volunteer work.
grey overlay shape

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