What? A multi-channel promotional campaign with Forest Research and Forestry England to support and promote forestry careers to strengthen the forestry sector and develop / maintain a highly skilled workforce.
When? The campaign will run until 19 December, 2024.
Why? For the forestry sector to grow and develop it needs more people, with the right skills to plan, plant, manage and support the forests of the future. This campaign will address an identified lack of understanding about the breadth and range of forestry careers and the steps to take to pursue a career in forestry.
Who? This campaign will target students at all levels, career changers, career advisors and other influencers, and those already working in the sector who wish to further their career.
How? We will use a mix of national and regional channels, including social media, a collection page on GOV.UK, events and direct engagement. We will work with stakeholders and partners who are invested in supporting forestry careers to develop campaign content and amplify the campaign.
Campaign objectives
What are we doing?
Following a comprehensive audit of existing content, we are creating the following resources:
Find a career in forestry: resources and guidance
A new approach developed in partnership with the National Trust that offers an opportunity for people to get deeply involved in local woodlands, access lower cost firewood, enjoy woodland events and learn new skills
Local leaders in education, business, farming and wildlife conservation are delighted to announce a Land and Nature Skills Service for Cumbria with major grants from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and the Farming in Protected Landscapes programme. The goal is to improve access to learning and…